Card 1 Private, Capt. Jacob C. Gent's Company, Caldwell's Battalion Cavalry Appears on a muster roll for dated Aug. 7, 1862 Enlisted: When: July 12, 1862 Where: Russell Va By whom: Otis Caldwell Period: 3 yrs. Last paid: By whom: To what time: Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 2 Private, Company B, 16th Virginia Cavalry Appears on a muster roll for Mch. 1 to Apl. 1, 1864 (Dated Apl. 1, 1864) Enlisted: When: July 12, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. Caldwell Period: 3 yrs. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Ward To what time: Dec. 31, 1863 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 3 Appears on a muster roll for Aug. 31, 1863 to Oct. 31, 1864 (Dated Oct. 31, 1864) Enlisted: When: July 1, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. Caldwell Period: War Last paid: By whom: Capt. Portear To what time: Dec. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: On detached service Card 4 Appears on a muster roll for Aug. 31, to Dec. 31, 1864 (Dated Dec. 31, 1864) Enlisted: When: July 1, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: O. Caldwell Period: 3 yrs Last paid: By whom: Capt. Porter To what time: Oct. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Remarks: Deserted Nov. 15, 1864 Card 5 Appears on a List of Prisoners of War, belonging to the Army of the Confederate States, who have been this day surrendered by Gen. Robert E. Lee, C. S. A., commanding said Army, to Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant, commanding Armies of the United States. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., April 15, 1865 List dated: Lynchburg, Va., April 14, 1865 Dates as they appear on the roll.