Card 1 Private, Company C, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a LIST of killed and wounded, of Jackson's Division, at the engagement of Cedar Run, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. List dated: Not dated Remarks: Wounded (mortally) Card 2 Appears on a muster roll for July & Aug., 1861 (Dated Aug. 31) Enlisted: When: May 28, 1861 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. J. F. McElhenny Period: 12 mo. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Dunbar To what time: June 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 3 Appears on a muster roll for Jany & Feby, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: May 10 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. McElheny Period: 12 mo Last paid: By whom: Capt. Haller To what time: Dec. 31 Present or absent: x Remarks: Absent sick at Hospl. x Name appears in Column of Names Present as William R. Culbertson Card 4 Appears on a muster roll for Feby 28 to Mch. 30, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: May 10, 1861 Where: Russell Co., Va By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 1 year Last paid: By whom: To what time: Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 5 Appears on a muster roll for May & June, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: May 10, 1861 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 1 year Last paid: By whom: Capt. Haller To what time: Dec. 31, 1861 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Sick at Hospl Greenwood, Va Card 6 Name appears ona Register of Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Confederate States who were killed in battle, or who died of wounds or disease. Where born: Russell Co., Va When deceased: Aug. 12, 1862 Where and from what cause: Wounds When received: Jany 2, 1864 Number of certificate: 46