Card 1 Private, Company B, 16th Virginia Cavalry Appears on a muster roll for Mch. 1 to Apl. 1, 1864 (Dated Apl. 1, 1864) Enlisted: When: Aug. 21, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. Gent Period: 3 yrs Last paid: By whom: Capt. Gent To what time: Dec. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Captured Wayne County Va. Feb. 1864. Card 2 Appears on a muster roll for Aug. 31, 1863 to Oct. 31, 1864 (Dated Oct. 31, 1864) Enlisted: When: Aug. 20, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. Gent Period: War Last paid: By whom: Capt. Ward To what time: Dec. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Captured Wayne County Va. Feb. 1864. Card 3 Appears on a muster roll for Aug. 31, 1863 to Dec. 31, 1864 (Dated Dec. 31, 1864) Enlisted: When: Aug. 22, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. Gent Period: 3 yr Last paid: By whom: Capt. Ward To what time: Dec. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Captured in Wayne County Va. Feb. 25, 1864. Card 4 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from Louisa, Ky., to Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1864. Roll dated: Not dated Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: February 15, 1864 Card 5 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War from Louisa, Eastern District of Kentucky, at McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roll dated: Not dated Card 6 Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War received at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 15, 1864 Discharged: Term: Ft Delaware When: Feby 29, 1864 Card 7 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War who arrived at Louisville, Ky., Military Prison during the five days ending Feb. 25, 1864. Roll dated Office Pro. Marshal Genl. Dist. of Ky., Louisville, Feb. 26, 1864. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 15, 1864 Card 8 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Date when received: Feb. 25, 1864 Where captured: Wayne Co., Va Date when captured: Feb. 15, 1864 Date when discharged: Feb. 27, 1864 Where sent: Fort Delaware Remarks, charges, &c.: From Louisa, Ky Card 9 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from Louisville Military Prison to Fort Delaware Feb. 29, 1864. Roll dated Office Provost Marshal Gen'l, District of Kentucky, Louisville, Feb. 29, 1864. Card 10 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War received at Fort Delaware, Del., from Louisville, Ky., March 7, 1864. Roll dated: Not dated Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 15, 1864 Card 11 Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware, Del. Where and when captured: Wayne Co., Va. Feby 15, 1864 When received: Mch. 4, 1864 Died: Mch. 19, 1864 Card 12 Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War who died at Fort Delaware, Del. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 15, 1864 Date of death: Mar. 19, 1864 Disease: Inflam of Lungs Card 13 Appears on a Report of prisoners of war who have died at Fort Delaware, Del., from March 16 to 31, 1864. Report dated: Fort Delaware, Del. Mch. 31, 1864 Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 12, 1864 Died: Mch. 19, 1864 Cause of death: Inflammation Brain Locality of grave: On Jersey shore opposite the Fort. Remarks: No efffects