Card 1 Private, Company C, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a muster roll for Feby 28 to Mch. 30, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Mar. 8, 1862 Where: Russell Co. By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 3 years Last paid: By whom: To what time: Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 2 Appears on a muster roll for May & June, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Mar. 8, 1862 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 3 years Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Apl. 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 3 Appears on a muster roll for July & Aug., 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Mar. 8, 1862 Where: Lebanon By whom: Capt. J. F. McElhenny Period: 3 years Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: June 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 4 Appears on a muster roll for Sept. & Oct., 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Mar. 8, 1862 Where: Lebanon By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 3 years Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Aug. 31 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 5 Appears on a muster roll for Nov. & Dec., 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Mar. 8, 1862 Where: Lebanon By whom: Capt. Jno. F. McElhenny Period: 3 yrs. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Oct. 31 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 6 Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for Sept. 30 to Dec. 31, 1863 Signature: Isaac B. Fickle Card 7 Appears on a roll of Prisoners of War at Point Lookout, Md. Date of arrival: Harper's Ferry Nov. 1st, 1864. Where captured: Woodstock When captured: Oct. 20, 1864 Remarks: Transferred to Hammond Genl. Hospl. Jany 27, 1865 Card 8 Appears on a roll of Prisoners of War at Point Lookout, Md., received from Hammond General Hospital, April 7, 1865. Where captured: Woodstock When captured: Oct. 20, 1864 Remarks: Released June 2, 1865 Card 9 Appears on a Roll of Sick Prisoners of War at Point Lookout, Md., released June 2, 1865 on taking the Oath of Allegiance to the United States. Roll dated: Not dated Where captured: Mt. Jackson When captured: Oct. 20, 1864 Card 10 Appears on a Register of C. S. A. General Hospital, Charlottesville, Virginia. Disease: Primary: V. S. scalp (flesh) Admitted: Sept. 1, 1864 Transferred: Sept. 26, 1864 Remarks: To Lynchburg, Va Card 11 Appears on a Roll of non-commissioned officers and privates employed on extra duty at Camp Stewart's Brigade during the month of Feb. 1864. Nature of service: Shoemaker TERM OF SERVICE: From: Feb. 2-29, 1864 Card 12 Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 1 Qr., 1864 Date of issue: Feb. 18, 1864 Signature: Card 13 Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 1 Qr., 1863 Date of issue: Feb. 13, 1863 Feb. 14, 1863 Signature: Isaac B. Fickle Card 14 Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 2 Qr., 1864 Date of issue: Signature: Card 15 Admitted: Jany 27, 1865 To: U. S. A. General Hospital, Point Lookout, Md. From: Camp Pris. of War Diagnosis: Injury to back & hip from falling of lumber Transf'd to: S. H. April 8, 1865 Remarks: Major Brady Pro. Mar.