Card 1 Private, Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a muster roll for July & Aug., 1861 (Dated Aug. 31) Enlisted: When: Aug. 5 Where: Monterey By whom: Capt. Cowan Period: War Last paid: By whom: To what time: Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 2 Appears on a muster roll for Jan. & Feb., 1862 (Dated June 13, 1862) Enlisted: When: Aug. 5 Where: Monterey By whom: Capt. Cowan Period: 1 year Last paid: By whom: Capt. Haller To what time: Dec. 31 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 3 Appears on a muster roll for Mch. & Apr., 1862 (Dated Aug. 15, 1862) Enlisted: When: Aug. 5 Where: Monterey By whom: Capt. Cowan Period: 12 mos. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Feb. 28 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Promoted to Corp. Apl. 21, 1862 Card 4 2nd Sergeant, Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a muster roll for May & June, 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: May 2 Where: New Garden By whom: Capt. Hunt Period: 3 y's Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Apl. 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 5 Appears on a muster roll for July & Aug., 1862 (Dated Sept. 28, 1862) Enlisted: When: May 2 Where: New Garden By whom: Capt. Hunt Period: 3 ys Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: June 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 6 Appears on a muster roll for Sept. & Oct., 1862 (Dated Dec. 11, 1862) Enlisted: When: May 2, 1861 Where: New Garden By whom: Capt. Hunt Period: 3 ys Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Aug. 31 Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Wounded at Sharpsburg & promoted to brevet 2nd Lt Sept. 23 Card 7 Lieutenant, Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a muster roll of Companies G and I (consolidated) for Nov. & Dec., 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: Aug. 5 Where: Monterey By whom: Capt. Cowan Period: 1 yr Last paid: By whom: Capt. Cole To what time: Sept. 23 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 8 Appears on a Register of Medical Director's Office, Richmond, Va. Hospital: Winder Div. 2 Admitted: Sept. 28, 1862 Card 9 Appears on a Register of General Hospital Camp Winder, Richmond, Virginia. Disease: Vul. Sclo. Admitted: Sept. 27, 1862 Returned to duty: Nov. 17, 1862 Card 10 Appears on a Register of Medical Director's Office, Richmond, Va. Hospital: Winder Div. 2 Returned to duty: Nov. 18, 1862 Card 11 Appears on a Morning Report of 2d Division, General Hospital Camp Winder, at Richmond, Va., for Sept. 28, 1862 Admitted: Sept. 28, 1862 Card 12 Appears on an Inspection Report of Terry's Brigade, Gordon's Division, commanded by Brig. Gen. William Terry. Report dated: Near Bunker Hill, Va. Aug. 20, 1864 Absent commissioned officers accounted for: In hands of Enemy Card 13 VOUCHER NO. 26 Paid the 2d day of Jany 1863 Lieut Jas A Gilmer Co I By Jno L Cole Capt & A.Q. C. S. From the 23 day of Sept. 1862 To the 31st day of Decr 1862 Pay: $258.62 Card 14 [Front of pay voucher.]