Card 1 Private, Company C, 16th Kentucky Infantry Age: 24 years. Appears on a Detachment Muster-in Roll dated Loudon Tenn. Sept. 23, 1863. Muster-in to date: Mch. 30, 1862 Joined for duty and enrolled: When: Mch. 30, 1862 Where: Piketon Ky. Period: 3 years Remarks: This muster to bear from date of enlistment. Card 2 Appears on muster roll dated June 30, 1862 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Is entitled to pay from date of enrolment. Mustered into service by Major Gault July 8/62. Card 3 Appears on muster roll for July & Aug., 1862 Present or absent: Present Card 4 Appears on muster roll for Sept. & Oct., 1862 Present or absent: Present Card 5 Appears on muster roll dated Dec. 31, 1862 Present or absent: Present Card 6 Appears on muster roll for Jan. & Feb., 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 7 Appears on muster roll for Mch. & Apr., 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 8 Appears on muster roll for May & June, 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 9 Appears on muster roll for July & Aug., 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 10 Appears on muster roll for Sept. & Oct., 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 11 Appears on muster roll for Nov. & Dec., 1863 Present or absent: Present Card 12 Appears on muster roll for Jan. & Feb., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Veteran. On furlough from Feb. 11 to Mch. 11 on account of re-enlistment. Card 13 Age: 20 years. Appears on a Detachment Muster-out Roll dated Louisville Ky, Apl. 11, 1864 Muster-out to date: Mch. 30, 1864 Last paid to: Oct. 31, 1863 Clothing account: Last settled: June 30, 1863 Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd: $30 43/100 Due U. S. for arms, equipment, &c.: $ ____ Bounty paid: $___; due: $100 Card 14 Appears on M. and D. Roll of Veteran Volunteers dated Louisville, Ky, Apr. 11, 1864 When enlisted: Mar. 31, 1864 When mustered in: Apr. 11, 1864 Company to which assigned: C Remarks: Remustered as Veteran Volunteer under provisions Genl. Order No. 191 Series 1863 War Dept. Card 15 Appears on muster roll for Mch. & Apr., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Veteran Card 16 Appears on muster roll for May & June, 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Veteran Card 17 Appears on muster roll for July and Aug., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Veteran Card 18 Appears on muster roll for Sept. & Oct., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Veteran Card 19 Appears on muster roll for Nov. and Dec., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Vet Card 20 Appears on muster roll for Jan. & Feb., 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Vet Card 21 Appears on muster roll for Mch. & April, 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Vet Card 22 Appears on muster roll for May & June, 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Vet Card 23 Age: 20 years Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll dated company Shafs, N. C., July 15, 1865 Muster-out to date: July 15, 1865 Last paid to: Dec. 31, 1864 Clothing account: Last settled: Dec. 31, 1864; drawn since: 27 52/100 Bounty paid: $160; due: $240 Remarks: Vet Card 24 2 Enclosures Enlistment Papers: 2 Card 25 DECLARATION OF RECRUIT. [Enlistment form.] Andrew Kiser Volunteered at Louisville Ky March 30th, 1864 By Lt M. C. Hutchins RD 16th Regiment of Ky Vol 2 enlistment; last served in Company C 16th Reg't of Ky Vols Discharged March 30th, 1864 Card 26 [Enlistment form.]