Card 1 2nd Sergeant, Company C, 37th Virginia Infantry Appears on a muster roll for July & Aug., 1861 (Dated Aug. 31) Enlisted: When: May 10 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. J. F. McElhenny Period: 12 mo. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Dunbar To what time: June 30 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 2 Appears on a muster roll for Jany & Feby., 1862 (Not dated) Enlisted: When: May 10 Where: Lebanon, Va By whom: Capt. McElhenny Period: 12 mo. Last paid: By whom: Capt. Haller To what time: Dec. 31 Present or absent: x Remarks: Absent sick Card 3 Appears on a Regimental Return for the month of Feb., 1862. Alterations since last return among enlisted men: Remarks: Discharged disability Card 3 Appears on a Register of Payments to Discharged Soldiers. Date of discharge: Feb. 17, 1862 Date of payment: Feb. 19, 1862 By whom: J. Ambler Card 4 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War from Louisa, Eastern District of Kentucky, at McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roll dated: Not dated Where captured: Surrender Remarks: Voluntary Surrender Card 5 Appears on a roll of Deserters from the Rebel Army. When received: Feby 25, 1864 Where reported: Wayne Co., Va Date when reported: Feb. 15, 1864 Remarks: Oath & Paroled In Pris of War Book page 5 x cancelled by line except for remark Card 6 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War received at the Military Prison in Louisville, Ky., during the five days ending March 10, 1864. Roll dated Office. Prov. Mar. Genl., Dist. of Ky., Louisville, Mch. 11, 1864. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feb. 15, 1864 Received from: Franklin, Ky Transferred to: Camp Chase, O. Remarks: Non Com Card 7 Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War received at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feb. 18, 1864 Discharged: Terms: Camp Chase When: March 9, 1864 Card 8 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Date when received: Mch. 8, 1864 Where captured: Wayne Co., Va Date when captured: Feb. 15, 1864 Date when discharged: Mch. 9, 1864 Where sent: Camp Chase Remarks, charges, &c.: Transfered from Deserter Book page 6. Card 9 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War forwarded from Louisville Military Prison to Camp Chase, Ohio, March 9, 1864. Roll dated Office Provost Marshal General, District of Ky., Louisville, March 9, 1864. Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feby 18, 1864 Card 10 Appears on a Descriptive Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Chase, Ohio. Arrested: Where: Wayne Co., Va When: Feb. 15, 1864 Received at Camp Chase: When: Mch. 11, 1864 Whence: Louisville, Ky By whose order: Brig. Gen. Burbridge Date of departure: Apr. 22, 1864 Remarks: Released by order Comsy Genl Prisoners Dated April 17, 1864 Card 11 Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War on hand at Camp Chase, Ohio, who desire taking the oath of allegiance, June 10, 1864. Roll dated: Not dated Where captured: Wayne Co., Va When captured: Feb. 15, 1864 Card 12 Off. C. G. P. Washington D. C. April 18th, 1864 Directs the release of John M. Powers Sergt. Co. "E" 37th Va Inf. Comp April 22, 64 Card 13 Office of Commisary General of Prisoners Washington, D. C. April 11th, 1864 Col. W. P. Richardson Comdg Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Colonel It appearing from the report of Lieut Powers Pro. Mar. Dist of E. Ky referred by you April 10th that Sergt. Jno. M. Powers Co. E 37 Va Inf. now a prisoner at Camp Chase is a deserter from the Rebel Army, you will release him on taking the Oath prescribed in the President's proclamation of December 8th, 1863. Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt. W. Hoffman Col. 3 Inf Comy Genl Pris Card 14 [Back of disability discharge.] Card 15 Camp Mason Feb. 17th 1862 Sergt Jno M Powers of Capt. Jno F McElhanney's Company ("C") of the 37th Regt Va. Vols. was enlisted by Capt. Jno. F. McElhanny of 37th Regt Va. Vols. at Lebanon Va on the 10th day of May 1862 to serve one year; he was born in Russell County state of Va., 27 years of age, five feet eleven inches high, fair complexion, gray eyes, red hair and by occupation when enlisted a Farmer. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty near fifty days. James A. White 1st Lieut Comd Co "C" 37th Va Regt Approved T. V. Williams Major Comdg 37th Va Regt This is to certify that I have carefully examined private John M. Powers of Capt John F. McElhenney's Co. (C) 37th Regt Va Vols. & find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of Chronic Rheumatism. I therefore recommend his discharge. M. M. Butler Acting Surgeon 37th Regt. Va. Vols. Card 16 [Pay voucher, February 19, 1862. $127.23. Signed by name.] Card 17 [Duplicate discharge paper.]