Card 1 1st Lieutenant, Captain William King's Company of Light Artillery Appears on a muster roll for Nov. 3 to Dec. 31, 1864 (Dated Dec. 31, 1864) Enlisted: When: Where: By whom: Period: Last paid: By whom: To what time: Present or absent: Present Remarks: Card 2 Appears on a Descriptive List of the organization named above, which was composed of exempted and detailed men who had agreed to form an artillery company when thirty-two men had signed the agreement. Organized April 30, 1864. List dated: Not dated Date of signature: April 21 Exempted or detailed and for what reason: Salt Maker Place of Residence: Russell Co., Va Present place of business: Saltville, Va Age: 34 years; height: 5 feet 9 in. Complexion: Fair Hair: Dark; eyes: Blue Card 3 Appears on a LIST of voters of King's Saltville Artillery, taken at their camp for members of Board of Public Works, 1st District of Va. List dated: March 23, 1865 Card 4 Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 4th Qr., 1864 Date of issue: Dec. 12 to 31, 1864 Signature: