Card 1 Corporal, Company F, 8th Tennessee Cavalry Appears on muster roll for to Oct. 31, 1863. Joined for duty and enrolled: When: Aug. 10, 1863 Where: Camp Nelson Ky Perid: 3 years Mustered in: When: Aug. 11th, 1863 Where: Camp Nelson Ky Present or absent: Absent Remarks: Oct 23d, 1863 on detached service as Wagon master to go to Ky. Bounty due $25 Premium $2. $27 never paid. Card 2 Appears on muster roll for Oct. 31/63 to Feby 24, 1864. Present or absent: Present Remarks: On detached serv, at last payment as Wagon Master Card 3 Appears on muster roll for Mch. & April, 1864 Present or absent: Present Card 4 Appears on muster roll for May & June, 1864 Present or absent: Present Card 5 Appears on muster roll for July & Aug., 1864 Present or absent: Present Card 6 Appears on Company Descriptive Book. DESCRIPTION. Age: 24 years; height: 5 feet 10 inches Complexion: Fair Eyes: Blue; hair: Light Where born: Sulivan, Tenn. Occupation: Farmer ENLISTMENT. When: Aug. 9, 1863 Where: Camp Nelson By whom: J. C. Masengal; term: 3 yr's Remarks: Corporal from Enrolment to Jan. 1/65 then Sergt. Card 7 Duty Sergeant, Company F, 8th Tennessee Cavalry Appears on muster roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864 Present or absent: Present Remarks: Promoted from first Corpl Oct 8, 1864 vice Sergt. Elijah Smith Deserted Card 8 Appears on muster roll for Nov. & Dec., 1864. Present or absent: Present Card 9 C. S. S., Company F, 8th Tennessee Cavalry Appears on muster roll for Jan. & Feb., 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: From Corpl to Sergt. Nov. 1st, 1864 Card 10 Appears on muster roll for Mch. & Apl., 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: From Corp to Sergt Nov. 1, 1864 Card 11 Appears on muster roll for May & June, 1865 Present or absent: Present Remarks: From Corp to Sergt Nov. 1, 1864 Card 12 Age 26 years. Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Knoxvill Tenn, Sep. 11, 1865 Muster-out to date: Sep. 11, 1865 Last paid to: June 30, 1864 Clothing account: due U. S.: $1 86/100 Remarks: Corp from enrollment to Jan 1st 65 then Sergt. Present for duty. Retained under G. O. No. 107. Navy Pistol $8.00 Card 13 Appears on Returns as follows: Nov 1864 On daily duty Dec 1864 & Jan 1865 C. S. Sgt