3/23/1912 [NOTE: this obituary is reprinted in the 4/5/1912 issue of the Lebanon News.] OLD SOLDIER MEETS DEATH.
(From the Farmersville Times.)
About 5 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, March 19, Archer Jessie Candler, aged 78 years, was killed by a southbound train at a crossing going into his pasture. Deceased had gone into his pasture to look after some sheep. He was found later, lying on the east side of the track, face downward, a few feet below the stock guard. It is said that he was seen by neighbors walking around in the pasture, a short time before he was killed. A brakeman was left with the body while the train came on to Farmersville where information of the sad affair was given, and physicians, accompanied by the coroner, were dispatched to the place of the accident.
Archer Jessie Candler was born Oct. 9, 1834 near Hansonville, Russell county, Virginia, and came to Texas in 1858 making the trip overland with a herd of sheep.
Texas then was a virgin country and invited the aspiring young man to her wonderful resources, but it took some nerve to turn his face to the setting sun and go deeply into a sparsely inhabited land with none of the comforts of civilization, and with all the privations of pioneer life.
He was young and had faith in himself and came to stay. Soon the war of the 60s came and he answered the call of his country, joining Capt. Joe Dixon's Company at McKinney, Texas, Fitzhugh's Regiment, Ector's Brigade, and served east of the Mississippi river. His company was afterwards commanded by Capt. R. M. Board of McKinney. He was with Gen. Bragg in the Kentucky campaign, and afterwards with Gens. Johnston and Hood in the Georgia campaign. He was wounded in the hand at Shiloh, and was in the terrible battle of Franklin, Tenn. He loved the cause of the South and enjoyed an hour with his old comrades in fighting over the battles of those trying times.
After the war he returned to Texas and engaged in freighting from points in North Texas to Jefferson and Shreveport. This brought him some money which he invested in land near Merit, on which he built a good home and while he never seemed to want to make money, he so managed his affairs as to be regarded as one of the successful men on the country, leaving a comfortable home for each of his children.
Words are inadequate to express the love and esteem, in which he was held by those who knew him.
There are many who will remember his deeds and words of kindess in life, and in this sad hour honor his memory. Deceased had been a member of the Methodist church for forty years. He was married twice, the first wife being Miss Nancy Elizabeth Honaker, daughter of W. P. Honaker, of Farmersville. She died July 2nd, 1887. From this union there were three sons and four daughters, the first daughter dying in infancy, while all the others are living as follows: George W., Coleman, Texas, Adrian (Mrs. W. C. Terrell), Plainview, Tex., William Patton, Farmersville, Texas, John H., Coleman, Texas, Mrs. Ed Johnson, Merit, and Mrs. Stanley Hockett, Merit.
His second wife was Miss Mattie Ball, sister to Mr. T. E. Ball, of Farmersville, Texas. She died March 11, 1903. From this union there was one son and one daughter, both of whom are living, (Sarah Elizabeth and Archer Ball).
The funeral was held Thursday, March 21. Interment took place athe I. O. O. F. cemetery, Rev. C. B. Fladger, assisted by the Rev. J. M. Peterson of Dallas, conducted the services.