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Obituaries Obituaries and Death Notices of Russell County

Topeka Daily Capital, Topeka, KS
Obituary of George T. Jessee

September 3, 1915


Special to The Capital.
Centralia, Kan., Sept. 2. In the death of George T. Jessee Centralia loses one of her most highly respected citizens and the only Confederate soldier in this community. Mr. Jessee was a Virginian and came to Nemaha county nearly fifty years ago settling west of Centralia, on the creek, as all settlers in this new country did then. He lived in this home until a few years ago when he and his wife, who survives him, moved to town. He was the father of nine children, seven of them living, Byron Jessee in the Merchants' National bank, of Topeka, being the youngest.

On Memorial Sunday this year when the old soldiers were lined up in front of the church that those assembled at the service could shake hands with them, the boys who wore the blue captured Mr. Jessee and held him prisoner keeping him in line to receive the handshakes with them. They also asked Mr. Jessee to take part in any exercises or festivities for the old soldiers as he numbered among his best friends those of the G. A. R.

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