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Lebanon News Mentions in the Lebanon News
February 10, 1911

Remembers Old Soldier.

Editor News:
More than a year ago I remitted to you one dollar and asked that you send your paper to Mr. Samuel Kelley, Coulwood, Va. which order you complied with, now allow me to inform you that I herewith enclose check for $1.00 for which you will oblige me by sending the paper to Samuel Kelley, Coulwood, Va. another year.
He is a worthy old gentleman and an old confederate soldier, and I feel that it is doing him a kindness by permitting him to read the Lebanon News in his declining years.
You will further oblige me by changing my address from Honaker to Alfredton, Va and send me the paper as directed.
Very truly,
Except where indicated all material on this site is copyrighted by Gregory Lepore. © 1997.