July 7, 1933
Confederate Reunion Held
For many years the annual reunion of the Confederate veterans of Russell county has been one of the big events of the year. Sons, daughters and the whole community participate. However, the "thin gray line" of honor guests grows steadily thinner till on July 4th when the 1933 reunion
was held only four of the 1450 men who went from Russell to espouse the cause of the South were present. Perhaps as many as six others are still living in the county but their age prevented them from attending.
The meeting was held in the Lebanon State School auditorium with dinner served for the veterans at Maple Grove Hotel. Rev. E. N. Woodward, of the Methodist church, was toast master of the ceremonies. G. B. Johnson, of Honaker, made the main address in which he lauded our old soldiers for their devotion to the cause of right as they saw it and spoke of contribution that the South is now making to the statemenship of the nation. He closed with tender words in honor of the "boys" who had passed on since the 1932 reunion. At the close of the program taps was sounded by J. T. Bausell, son of the commander in chief of the local camp, J. W. Bausell.
Veterans attending were B. F. Francisco, of Hansonville; Geo. Williams, of Spring City; Lilburn Hurt, of Honaker; and J. W. Bausell, of Lebanon.
Stirring string music was furnished for the occassion by Hargis, Monk, McFarlane, and Thomas.