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Logan Ashby

Born 12/1841
Birth Location Russell Co.
Died 04/09/1933
Death Location Dickenson Co., VA
Father John Ashby
Mother Valey Hackney
Married 12/01/1869
Spouse Martha Puckett
Military Units
29th Infantry
21st Cavalry
CSR, Pension, and Miscellaneous Images
29th Infantry
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Widows Pension
Census Information:

1850: 1339, Age 6
1860: 1512, Age 15
1870: Lebanon 315, Age 26
1880: Lebanon 325, Age 40
1900: Dickenson Co., Ervington, 258, Age 58
1910: Dickenson Co., Ervington 43, Age 66, Veteran: Yes
1920: Dickenson Co., Ervington 83, Age 76
1930: Dickenson Co., Ervington, Age 86, Veteran: Yes

Miscellaneous Information:

Filed pension: 1903 (Dickenson County)
Widow filed pension: 1933 (Dickenson County)
Appears on 1909 pension list: Under act of 1900 (Dickenson County)
Appears on pension applications for: Elihu Skeenes, 1925 (BU). John Browning, 1925 (DI).

Military Information:

Compiled Service Record
Card 1
Private, Company A, 29th Virginia Infantry

Appears on a muster roll for June 30 to Oct. 30, 1862 (Dated Nov. 30, 1862)

Where: Ky
By whom: Capt. H. H. Dickenson
Period: 3 yrs

Last paid:
By whom: Capt. Clark
To what time: June 30

Remarks: Transferred from Capt. E. K. Counts Company of Cavalry (absent sick)

Card 2

Appears on a muster roll for Nov. & Dec., 1862 (Not dated)

When: April 1st, 1862
Where: Russell Co., Va
By whom: Capt. Jessee
Period: 2 yrs

Remarks: Absent sick Joined by transfer 17 Sept./62

Card 3

Appears on a muster roll for Jany & Feby, 1863 (Dated Mch. 9, 1863)

When: April 1, 1862
Where: Russell Co., Va
By whom: Capt. Jessee
Period: 2 yrs

Last paid:
By whom: Capt. V. C. Huff

Remarks: rejoined from being Ab. sick. Has bounty due

Card 4

Appears on a muster roll for Mch. & April, 1863 (Not dated)

ReEnlisted: April 1, 1862
Where: Russell Co., Va
By whom: Capt. Jessee
Period: 2 yrs

Last paid:
By whom: Capt. Huff
To what time: Feby 28, 1863

Remarks: Ab. sick

Card 5

Appears on a muster roll for Nov. & Dec., 1863 (Not dated)

Last paid:
By whom: Capt. Painter
To what time: Aug. 31, 1863

Remarks: Rejoined from desertion Dec. 20 & was restored to duty, 20 days lost as a deserter

Card 6

Appears on a muster roll for April 1, 1864 made under G. O. No. 27, A & I. G. O., Rich'd, 1864.

ReEnlisted: April 1, 1862
Where: Russell Co., Va
By whom: Capt. Jessee
Period: 2 yrs


Card 7

Appears on a muster roll for Nov. & Dec, 1864 (Dated Dec. 31, 1864)

When: Sept., 1862
Where: Russell Co., Va
By whom: Capt. Dickenson
Period: 3 yrs

Remarks: Ab. without leave since 1 Nov 64

Card 8

Appears on a Register of Payments on Descriptive Lists.

When paid: Oct. 1, 1862
By whom: V. C. Huff
Amount: $50
Remarks: Bounty

Card 9

Appears on a Register of Receiving and Wayside Hospital, or General Hospital No. 9, Richmond, Virginia,

Admitted: Sept. 12, 1863
Disposition: Duty
Date: Sept. 13, 1863

Card 10

Appears on a Report of the Medical Examining Board at C. S. A. General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia.

Date: June 12, 1863
Brigade: Corse

Town: Lebanon
County: Russell
State: Va
Remarks: Report to Reg't

Card 11

Appears on a Register of Division No. 1, C. S. A. General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia.

Complaint: Debility
Admitted: April 13, 1863
Returned to duty: June 13, 1863

Card 12

Appears on a Register of C. S. A. General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia, under the head of "Clothing issued."

Date: Apl. 21, 1863

Card 13

Appears on a Register of C. S. A. General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia.

Complaint: Debilitas
Admitted: April 13, 1863
Returned to duty: June 13, 1863

Remarks: 3

Card 14

Appears on a Register of Medical Director's Office, Richmond, Va.

Hospital: Chimborazo Hosp.
Period: Aug. 26 to Sept. 2, 1864

Remarks: Lexington, Va

Card 15

Appears on a Register of General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia.

Date: June 13, 1863
Remarks: Returned to duty

Card 16

Appears on a Register of General Hospital, Petersburg, Va.

Complaint: Rheumat. A.
Admitted: Mch. 7, 1863

Deserted: Mch. 26, 1863

Card 17

Appears on a List of soldiers (transferred, furloughed, etc.,) to whom passports were issued in Chimborazo Hospital, at Richmond, Va.,
during the week ending: Sept. 2, 1864

Town: Lexington

State: Va

Card 18
D. Ashby, Private, Company A., 29th Reg't Va.

Appears on a Register of Chimborazo Hospital No. 5, Richmond, Virginia.

Disease: Ac. Diarrhoea
Admitted: Aug. 18, 1864

Card 19
A. L. Ashby, Private, Company A., 29th Reg't Va.

Appears on a Register of Chimborazo Hospital No. 5, Richmond, Virginia.

Admitted: Aug. 18, 1864

Furloughed: Aug. 27, 1864

Remarks: 35 Days

Card 20

Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 2 Qr., 1864

Date of issue: June 8, 1864

Signature: By x

Card 20

Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing

Howards Grove, & Chimborazo Hosp Richmond Va.

Date of issue: Aug. 27, 1864

Signature: By x

Remarks: Chimb Hosp

Card 21

Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, at Gen. Hosp. Farmville, Va.

Date of issue: Apr. 20, 1863

Signature: By x

Card 22

Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, at Gen. Hosp. Farmville, Va.

Date of issue: May 30, 1863

Card 23

Appears on a RECEIPT ROLL for clothing, for 3rd Qr, 1864

Card 24

[$50 bounty for re-enlistment at Mt. Sterling, Ky, October 1st, 1862. Signed by name.]

Except where indicated all material on this site is copyrighted by Gregory Lepore. © 1997- 2025.